About making design that stands out and blend in

Expressive minimalism and how to bring technology elegance, that stands out and blend in
Some fundamentals about what it takes to make designs that stands out for all the right reasons
About making design with an enduring appeal

Iconic design and how to give products enduring appeal and lasting values
Some fundamentals about what it takes to make designs that stands out for all the right reasons
About making mechanical ballet

Mechanical ballet and how to make object transformation appear magic, elegant, and relevant
Some fundamentals about what it takes to make designs that stands out for all the right reasons
Package & Design Magazine Interview

To the July 2022 edition of the magazine Package & Design, Torsten Valeur gave an in-depth interview about his design and design philosophy. The magazine is known for a serious approach to design interviews aiming at revealing the true stories behind designs.
Read more / Download for moreDisegno quarterly journal on design, an article about designing televisions

The only thing left to design is the foot is the headline of an essay written by OIi Stratford in the Disegno quarterly journal on design. The essay highlight the opposite and Torsten Valeur explains that there are still plenty of things you can do when designing televisions.
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